Check Before You Build

Find out if you need planning and building services Building and Planning Services help guide and oversee all development in the City of Thunder Bay. Planning typically deals with what can be located in certain areas, while Building determines how it can be built....

If you can dream it…

By Carroll McCormick SRS Windows and Doors discusses the good, bad and the COVID It has been a wild ride running a business during the COVID-19 pandemic, but Thunder Bay, Ont.,-based SRS Windows and Doors has remained upright in the saddle with barely any downtime. ...

Glass Inspection for the Homeowner

The glass industry has developed consensus standards/specifications that address quality aspects of various types of glass used in windows, doors and skylights. These standards are very comprehensive and typically written for manufacturers who have expertise in...

Canada Greener Homes Grant

Helping you save energy and make your home more comfortable The Canada Greener Homes Grant is being co-delivered by Natural Resources Canada and Enbridge Gas in Ontario under the Home Efficiency Rebate Plus (HER+) program. Grants are provided to eligible homeowners...


By Nigel F. Maynard  Of all the windows manufacturers shipped in 2019, there is a good chance that one particular style dominated the rest. Window experts are happy the category is growing, but they say there are many other window styles that builders could be using....

How Weather Affects Your Home

(And What You Can Do About It) Written and Submitted by Natalie Jones of Home Owner Bliss Weather is a fickle thing. It can be bright and sunny one day, and wet and dreary the next. Because of these ever-changing conditions, homebuilders must design structures that...

Ever wondered why condensation on the exterior of high-performance windows is a good thing?