Program Update: Home Efficiency Rebate Plus


The Home Efficiency Rebate Plus program, delivered in partnership with the Canada Greener Homes Grant, has been a huge success. In collaboration with Canada’s Greener Homes Grant, Enbridge Gas is helping over 100,000 Ontario households reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Given the high demand for the program and the number of households that have participated, we have successfully filled all available spots earlier than expected with regard to the joint funding between Enbridge Gas and the Canada Greener Homes Grant. 

Effective end of day Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, we will not accept any new applicants or complete any pre-retrofit energy assessments. 

Any pre-retrofit energy assessments completed after Monday, Feb. 5, 2024 will not be accepted into the program. Please note that the Canada Greener Homes Loan remains open and requires a pre retrofit evaluation in order to apply.

Thank you to everyone who has shown interest in making important energy efficiency upgrades to help reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. If you would like to stay informed on new program offerings, please provide us your email address and we will notify you as they become available.

Please note: As a result of this update, companies unaffiliated with Enbridge Gas or Canada’s Greener Homes Grant may take advantage and promote misinformation through various channels such as (but not limited to) social media, print ads, email, phone, TV and radio ads. Please visit the Enbridge Gas consumer protection page for tips to protect yourself from a potential scam. You can also visit our FAQs below for a list of Service Organizations certified by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).

Ontario launching new 12-year rebate program