Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors HER+ Program

Thank you for joining our call on Tuesday regarding the next steps for the HER+ program. After our call we began reviewing how many audits are already scheduled for February and there are many. We want to ensure that all current Ontario customer commitments will be met with the available funding. In order to do that Enbridge needs to complete a reconciliation of all scheduled audits, and we need your help.
- We have already accounted for all files currently in DropZone. Please ensure that your list of participants matches the list in DropZone. If you have a file that is not yet in DropZone please add it to the system no later than 3:00 pm tomorrow, Friday January 19, 2024 so that it can be accounted for also
- Enbridge is pausing any new Registration to the HER+ program in Ontario. Please do not accept any new D bookings until we have completed our reconciliation
- Please communicate this Pause to your Registered Energy Auditors and Administration team members
- Please reply to this email acknowledging receipt and understanding as we want to ensure that each of our Service Organizations is aware of this Pause in order that they are not committing funds to future participants
Once the review of all the files in DropZone is completed, Enbridge, in partnership with NRCan, will host an information session where the last official day for participant intake will be communicated. We understand that this is quite turbulent and difficult for all parties and appreciate everyone’s assistance and understanding.
Should you have any questions or concerns please reach out, thank you for your continued support of the program,
Ihab William

Dear Members,
Since sending the update per the Enbridge Townhall meeting I have been contacted by NRCan with the following message:
“The program is continuing into 2024, and new applicants will be welcomed until all currently available funds are exhausted. Closing date for the acceptance of new participants to the Canada Greener Homes Grant program has not been decided yet. Further communications and updates will be provided in the coming weeks Canadians that have already made applications to the program will continue to be eligible for applicable support.
At present, Natural Resources Canada plans to continue to accept pre-retrofit evaluations.”
I appreciate your frustration and confusion as this is a different message than what we previously heard from Enbridge.
I will continue to keep you informed of any updates and changes to the Grant and other programs.

Important information about the Canada Greener Homes Grant
Dear Members,
I have just come from an Enbridge Townhall meeting. They have announced that NRCan and its program partners will cease to accept new D Audits (and DD) as of February 29, 2024 11:59pm. Any new audits submitted on March 1st 12:00am will not be eligible for the Grant. Those who have completed their D audit from today until February 29th will be in the Grant pipeline. Note that this date does not apply to the loan or other additional programs such as that offered by Enbridge.
To date, there is no cut off date for E audits aside from the program end in 2026. However, it is best to advise your clients to complete the upgrades sooner than later. Note too, NRCan recently sent emails to homeowners who have not completed any upgrades notifying that they will be removed from the program unless they contact NRCan requesting they remain a Grant participant in order to best manage their budget. On a side note, I asked that NRCan provide advanced warning when they send any communication to homeowners so that industry is better prepared to address questions and concerns.
The SOs in Ontario were asked to work together to try to maximize the number of D audits completed by the end of February. Some SOs may reschedule/post pone E audits for the time being. Enbridge also requested that the SOs notify them if they are at capacity and cannot accommodate any more D audits between now and the closure so they can be removed from the list of available organizations.
I am not sure about NRCan communication plans. When I last checked nothing had been updated on their website. I am also not sure if they have reached out to SOs outside of Ontario.
On a final note, I am sharing the letter that CACEA sent to representatives of the Federal Government including the Prime Minister which we included in our recent newsletter. The letter highlights our concerns and makes several recommendations that go beyond the Grant. Feel free to share with your network.
We will keep you posted on anything that we hear about the Grant as well as any other NRCan news – and will continue, as always, to advocate for our members and the EA profession at large.
Cindy Gareau