Greener Homes Grant update

Fenestration Canada has shared an update on the federal Greener Homes Grant program courtesy of the Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors. The Greener Homes grant was launched in 2021, offering up to $5,000 in rebates to homeowners for energy-efficient window and door upgrades.

CACEA’s report follows:

At NRCan’s Nov 23th SO Townhall meeting, Jean-Clement (JC) Chenier, Director General, NRCan, provided an update on the Canada Greener Homes Grant:

NRCan is working with the Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia program delivery agents to gain a better sense of the current applications/commitments in their province.

NRCan is considering applying a timeframe by which homeowners, who have already applied for the grant, must complete their upgrades. This is to help NRCan manage the current budget. As a precaution, CACEA suggests that you to reach out to your clients who have yet to complete upgrades and encourage them to do do sooner than later.

NRCan will “officially” notifying the public over the next couple of weeks – on their website and other channels. CACEA requested that industry receive advanced notice of this communication campaign so that it can prepare for questions and outreach.

If there is a surge of applications prior to March 31, 2024, this could result in an earlier deadline.

There is currently no news about “topping up” the grant and/or new Federal programs.

CACEA will continue to monitor the situation and advocate for the profession.

Ontario launching new 12-year rebate program